Debbie McMillan
Tēnā koe,
Ko Ngāpuhi rāua ko Ngāti Whātua ōku iwi
Ko Parawhenua rāua ko Reweiti ōku marae
Ko Tu Uri Taniwha rāua ko Te Taou ōku hapū
Ko Debbie McMillan tōku ingoa
Ko Cognitive Behavioural & EMDR Therapist tāku māhi
Ko Whangārei Heads tāku kāinga.
I am delighted to be part of a team who is able to provide accessible and well researched information in which to facilitate the wellbeing of ourselves and others. I believe in the power of group; the sense of connection, community and the shared expertise that each of us hold on the topics covered in these workshops to enable insight and understanding. In participating we collectively strengthen. Haumi e! Hui e! Tāiki e! (Join, Gather, Intertwine).